Past Calls for Papers

Special Section on Quantum Computational Electromagnetics:  From Nanoscale Modelling to Algorithms

The 2023 volume of the IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques (IEEE J-MMCT) will include a special section dedicated to ‘Quantum Computational Electromagnetism: From Nanoscale Modelling to Algorithms’. Recent advances in quantum physics are radically transforming Electromagnetics Engineering methodologies is several different ways. This special issue reports the latest achievements and future perspectives in the encounter of quantum mechanics with electromagnetism, with emphasis on computational methods and physics-based modelling at nanoscales. Topics include but are not limited to mathematical methods for quantum information; computing architectures for solving large computational electromagnetic problems; quantum effects at the nanoscale; interaction between electromagnetic field and particles. Focus will be devoted to applications oriented to antenna/waveguide/cavity design and analysis, microwave device architectures for qubits, numerical schemes conceived for general-purpose quantum computers, quantum security schemes, quantum radars, quantum sensors, related performance under quantum noise, and quantum circuit implementation. This special issue is brought together for the first time with effort from both the IEEE AP, EMC, and MTT societies.

The topics of the Special Issue include, but are not limited to:

  1. Ising Models and Quantum Annealing (Scalability and performance, Spin Glasses)
  2. Universal Gate Quantum Computation (Noise and Gates)
  3. Quantum Mathematics and Numerics (Variational methods, finite differences)
  4. Quantum Search and Security Algorithms (Random graphs, Markov chains, QKD)
  5. Semi-classical Analysis and Boundary Value Problems (Cavities, waveguides, quantum chaos)
  6. Quantum Effects in Nanoscale Devices (Scattering, density functional theory (DFT)
  7. Quantum devices (antennas, sensors, radars, atomic circuits, lasers)
  8. Foundations and Open Problems (Classical and quantum fields, Quantum Spin Glasses)

Guest Editors:
Gabriele Gradoni
University of Nottingham

Paolo Rocca
University of Trento

Zhen Peng
University of Illinois

Thomas Roth
Purdue University

Luis Enrique Garcia Munoz
Carlos III University of Madrid

Dong-Yeop Na
Pohang University of Science and Technology

Special Section on Computational Modeling for Microwave Processing and Characterization of Materials

Authors of papers on the computational modeling for microwave processing and characterization of materials, are invited to submit papers to a special section of IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques (J-MMCT; 2023 Clarivate JCR Impact Factor: 2.3; Scopus CiteScore: 3.7).

We invite comprehensive review papers, original contributions and extended versions of conference papers and abstracts including those presented at (a) the IMS 2023 workshop on “Recent Advances in Microwave Power Applications”; (b) the NEMO 2023 special sessions on “Modeling-Based Wide-Band Electromagnetic Characterization of Materials” and “Modeling the Physics and Applications of Materials and Composites”; (c) relevant sessions/workshops at IMPI 57 and AMPERE 2023 conferences.

Editor-in-Chief (Prof. Costas Sarris at,

Guest Editors:
Małgorzata Celuch

Kamel Haddadi
Université Lille

Vadim Yakolev
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Special Section on the Eleventh International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM2023)

The 2023 volume of the IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques (IEEE J-MMCT) will include a special section dedicated to the Eleventh International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM2023). Authors of all papers relevant to topics of interest of J-MMCT presented at the symposium are invited to submit an expanded version of their papers to this special section. The expanded version requires that the new technical content will include a more in-depth treatment, new results beyond the CEM2023 paper, or both. The JMMCT Editorial Board will review every paper in the same manner as any other regular submission.

Editor-in-Chief (Prof. Costas Sarris at,

Guest Editor:
Markus Clemens
University of Wuppertal

IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques Special Section on Multiphysics Modeling and Inversion in Subsurface Sensing

The 2022 volume of the IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques (IEEE J-MMCT) will include a special section dedicated to recent progress of advanced multiphysics modeling and inversion algorithms in subsurface sensing.

This section is dedicated to presenting new computational methods or inversion algorithms in subsurface sensing for exploration of underground resources, CO2 sequestration, environment protection, etc. It is comprised of, but not limited to, computational electromagnetic/seismic/mechanic methods, nonlinear multiphysics modeling, new inversion algorithms (joint inversion, high-order gradient/gradient-free optimizations etc.), machine learning techniques, digital twins, and the relevant engineering applications. It is noteworthy that multi-scale and multi-physics features are encouraged, but advanced forward or inverse methods for single-physics or single-scale modeling are also welcomed. The J-MMCT Editorial Board will review every paper in the same manner as any other regular submission.

Editor-in-Chief (Prof. Costas Sarris at

Guest Editors:
Qiwei Zhan
Zhejiang University

Lin Liang
Schlumberger-Doll Research Center

Yongxin Gao
Hefei University of Technology

Jiefu Chen
University of Houston

IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques Special Section on 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting

The 2022 volume of the IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques (IEEE J-MMCT) will include a special section dedicated to the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNCURSI Radio Science Meeting (2022 IEEE AP-S/URSI). Authors of all papers relevant to topics of interest of JMMCT presented at the symposium are invited to submit an expanded version of their papers to this special section. The expanded version requires that the new technical content will include a more in-depth treatment, new results beyond the 2022 IEEE AP-S/URSI paper, or both. The J-MMCT Editorial Board will review every paper in the same manner as any other regular submission.

Editor-in-Chief (Prof. Costas Sarris at,

Guest Editor
Prof. Andrew F. Peterson
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology

IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques Special Section on the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting

The 2022 volume of the IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques (IEEE J-MMCT) will include a special section dedicated to the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (2021 IEEE AP-S/URSI). Authors of all papers relevant to topics of interest of J-MMCT presented at the symposium are invited to submit an expanded version of their papers to this special section. The expanded version requires that the new technical content will include a more in-depth treatment, new
results beyond the 2021 IEEE AP-S/URSI paper, or both. The J-MMCT Editorial Board will review every paper in the same manner as any other regular submission.

Editor-in-Chief (Prof. Costas Sarris at,

Guest Editors:
Chao-Fu Wang
National University of Singapore

Eng Leong Tan
Nanyang Technological University

Xudong Chen
National University of Singapore

Special section on Multiphysics Modeling for Microwave Devices

Submission deadline: 1 November 2021


Special section on Numerical modeling methods for EMC/EMI applications

Submission deadline: 1 November 2021
Authors of conference papers accepted to symposia sponsored by the EMC Society are encouraged to submit extended versions of their papers to this section.


Special section honoring the memory of Profs. Tatsuo Itoh, Tapan Sarkar, Roberto Sorrentino, Allen Taflove

Submission deadline: 30 September 2021
Fee waivers will be provided to papers related to the work and honoring the memory of Profs. Itoh, Sarkar, Sorrentino, and Taflove who passed away in 2021.


Special Section on the 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetics, Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO 2019)

Expected online publication: November 2019

The 2019 volume of the IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques (IEEE J-MMCT) will include a special section dedicated to the 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetics, Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO 2019). Authors of all papers relevant to topics of interest of J-MMCT presented at NEMO 2019 are invited to submit an expanded version of their papers to this special section. The expanded version requires that the new technical content will include a more in-depth treatment, new results beyond the NEMO 2019 paper, or both. The J-MMCT Editorial Board will review every paper in the same manner as any other regular submission.

Editor-in-Chief (Prof. Costas Sarris at costas.sarris at

Guest Editors:

  1. Professor Dan Jiao , Purdue University (djiao at
  2. Professor Zhizhang (David) Chen, Dalhousie University (

Special Section on the 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium

Expected online publication: November 2019

The 2019 volume of the IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques (IEEE J-MMCT) will include a special section dedicated to the 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium. Authors of all papers relevant to topics of interest of J-MMCT presented at IMS 2019 are invited to submit an expanded version of their papers to this special section. The expanded version requires that the new technical content will include a more in-depth treatment, new results beyond the IMS 2019 paper, or both. The J-MMCT Editorial Board will review every paper in the same manner as any other regular submission.

Paper submission is accomplished through the ScholarOne Manuscript Central website ( When you start a new submission to the special section, please choose IMS 2019 as the type of your submission.

When you prepare your manuscript you should consult the instructions, templates and resources available at the IEEE Authors’ Center ( Papers not following the standard IEEE journal template cannot be accepted into the peer review process. Please be aware that your contribution should be prepared as any other regular J-MMCT paper and that it will be evaluated via the same peer-review process. The quality of your contribution must meet the level required for a publication at J-MMCT.

Because of the time required for a second review cycle, papers receiving a major revision decision are not guaranteed to be published in the 2019 special section for IMS 2019, but may be published in the 2020 volume, if the paper is accepted.

Other Submission instructions:

(1) The conference(s) paper(s) must be included along with the submission as supplementary files.

(2) You must reference your own work, especially recent journal/conference publications. Discuss your related publications, especially the relevant conference paper, in the introduction. Distinguish the new results you present in your current manuscript from those found in your previous publications, to demonstrate that the paper includes sufficient new technical material to justify a new paper, when compared to all previously published papers.

(3) The following note should be added to the footnote on the first page of the paper: “This paper is an expanded version of a conference paper presented at IEEE MTT-S IMS 2019, Boston, MA.

Submissions are accepted any time, but no later than September 3, 2019, 11:59 PM (Hawaii Standard Time). There will be no extension to this deadline, to ensure that the review process is concluded in time for the 2019 volume.

If you have any questions, you can contact the Editor-in-Chief (Prof. Costas Sarris at costas.sarris at, or the Guest Editors:

  1. Professor Peter H. Aaen, Colorado School of Mines (paaen at
  2. Professor Vladimir Okhmatovski, University of Manitoba (Vladimir.Okhmatovski at

Special Section on the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation

Expected online publication: November 2019

The 2019 volume of the IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques (IEEE J-MMCT) will include a special section dedicated to the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (2019 AP-S). Authors of all papers relevant to topics of interest of J-MMCT presented at the symposium are invited to submit an expanded version of their papers to this special section. The expanded version requires that the new technical content will include a more in-depth treatment, new results beyond the 2019 AP-S paper, or both. The J-MMCT Editorial Board will review every paper in the same manner as any other regular submission.

Paper submission is accomplished through the ScholarOne Manuscript Central website ( When you start a new submission to the special section, please choose APS2019 as the type of your submission.

When you prepare your manuscript you should consult the instructions, templates and resources available at the IEEE Authors’ Center ( Papers not following the standard IEEE journal template cannot be accepted into the peer review process. Please be aware that your contribution should be prepared as any other regular J-MMCT paper and that it will be evaluated via the same peer-review process. The quality of your contribution must meet the level required for a publication at J-MMCT.

Because of the time required for a second review cycle, papers receiving a major revision decision are not guaranteed to be published in the 2019 special section for 2019 AP-S, but may be published in the 2020 volume, if the paper is accepted.

Other Submission instructions:

(1) The conference(s) paper(s) must be included along with the submission as supplementary files.

(2) You must reference your own work, especially recent journal/conference publications. Discuss your related publications, especially the relevant conference paper, in the introduction. Distinguish the new results you present in your current manuscript from those found in your previous publications, to demonstrate that the paper includes sufficient new technical material to justify a new paper, when compared to all previously published papers.

(3) The following note should be added to the footnote on the first page of the paper: “This paper is an expanded version of a conference paper presented at IEEE Int. Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Atlanta, GA.

Submissions are accepted any time, but no later than September 3, 2019, 11:59 PM (Hawaii Standard Time). There will be no extension to this deadline, to ensure that the review process is concluded in time for the 2019 volume.

If you have any questions, you can contact the Editor-in-Chief (Prof. Costas Sarris at costas.sarris at, or the Guest Editors:

  1. Professor Andrew F. Peterson, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology (afpeterson at
  2. Professor Jamesina J. Simpson, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Utah (jamesina.simpson at

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